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New mama, new baby, new isolation
When you become a parent, everything changes. You can read all the books, watch all the movies, and listen to all the Ted Talks—but the realities of parenthood often still come as a surprise—even for parents who already have kids.
Movies would have you believe that having a new baby is all cuddles and a total lack of sleep. While this is true, you might be surprised to see just how many other changes there are. When you’re running on “Newborn Time”, you might find yourself struggling to remember when you last spoke to someone other than your baby. With all of the nappies, naps, and feeding times, it is easy to fall out of touch with the people that you used to speak to daily and it’s during the postnatal period that you are likely to fall out of contact with the people you love during the time when you need them the most.
Having a baby in the house can shake things up and during these strange, unusual, and beautiful times, you need a community that you can depend on.
Interview with Vivian Edwards from Deknot Bodywork and Massage
Postpartum belly binding is a centuries old ancient tradition, commonly practised in Asia. Only recently have Western women discovered its genuine benefits. Vivian, founder of Deknot Bodywork and Massage is a massage therapist on the Sunshine Coast who provides this treatment. We were excited to chat with her and find out more about it.
What is postpartum belly binding?
In short, postpartum belly binding is the ancient Eastern art of wrapping the abdomen of a woman who has recently given birth. I apply a special technique that uses a long, thin piece of non-stretch fabric that is wrapped around the whole torso from hips to breasts. It can help bring your muscles and connective tissues back together as your organs move back into place following pregnancy and birth. It also provides the perfect lower back support. The wrapping is typically done daily, 8 hours per day for 4-6 weeks. It is a wonderful physical support for new mothers. To enhance the technique’s effectiveness, during the wrapping I conduct an abdominal massage with my own special essential oil blend that helps to ease any stretch marks. I call it the Art of Slowness in a fast-paced world.
Age appropriate body safety education
Being proactive, rather than reactive, with regards to body safety education can begin at a very young age. When you teach your child the differences between privacy and secrecy you are giving them the tools to recognise the difference and the confidence to act accordingly.
Privacy is about keeping information and experiences to yourself.
Secrecy is about hiding information and experiences from others.
Here are some quick tips so you can begin to teach this age appropriately with your child:
Interview with Martha from Martha Grace Photography
In 2011 I had my first baby. His birth was hard. I felt really unprepared, out of control, and fear took over the whole experience. I remember one of the midwives asking me where my camera was and that she would take a few photos for me. I told her not to, but she insisted, and to this day I’m so glad that she did. I was so focused on getting through the pain that I had little recollection of all the beautiful moments in between - The way my husband’s hands gently cradled my belly or how I buried my face into his chest and closed my eyes when there was a break between surges. She captured my strength as I pushed my baby into this world, and the sheer joy and relief as I pulled him up and into my arms. These are transformative, life changing moments that you can never re-do. Even though most of the photos she took were blurry, I still cherish them dearly.
Benefits of being barefoot
Did you know that getting outside to ground at least once a day not only gives you beautiful fresh air and vitamin D but has also been proven to improve your mental wellbeing.
Grounding, otherwise known as earthing, is simply walking on the ground or earth barefoot. You don’t actually need to be walking, simply sitting down in the sun can have just as many benefits. Just as long as your skin is touching the earth or grass (concrete doesn’t count!).
“You ate what?!”
Natalie from Placenta Vitality reflects on 10 years of encapsulating placentas on the Coast.
To be honest placenta encapsulation is not what I imagined I would be doing when I “grew up”. It’s one of those things I kind of fell into. After attempting to ingest placenta unsuccessfully after my first baby (I tried smoothies, but couldn’t stomach it), I then tried capsules with my second. The difference was night and day in terms of how I felt both physically and emotionally. Seeing that for herself my lovely midwife at the time convinced me to start offering it to others. Now 2 qualifications and 10 years later it is something I am well known for on the Coast.
Dear Mamas
Dear Mamas,
Please exist in photos.
There you are with your phone, capturing every last detail of your children. From the moment they are earthside, to their first foods, first steps, first day at school, first missing tooth, recording each milestone.
I see you; I see how proud you are of your children and how important it is for you to capture these memories.
But what about you?
What about when your children are older and they look back and none of the pictures include you?
Ayurvedic Tips for the Fourth Trimester
"The future of our children’s mental health and wellness starts at birth with the mother".
After birth, the greatest thing we can do is heal the body from within. From an Ayurvedic view point, the postpartum period is known for an imbalance of the air and space elements. A large space filled with air remains where your growing baby, placenta and amniotic fluid once were. Combined, air and space are cold and drying. Left untreated, this imbalance can often cause over-thinking, anxiety and insomnia, and even lead to postpartum depression. In this time, new mothers need to nourish and replenish with warm, moist, nutritious foods and plenty of loving care.