Four pregnancy tips from a Midwife
By Hayley Hall
Attend a Birth Class
Every family deserves to birth gently and with confidence, enrol in a birth class with a qualified, experienced professional who aligns with your birth values. Birth education is an investment in your birth, your baby and your choices, and not only will it give you confidence to ask questions and be actively involved in your own birth story, but it will help you to make educated, evidence-based decisions. A powerful holistic birth instils belief, wisdom, intuition and promotes a flourishing transition into parenthood.
2. Learn Hypnobirthing
Despite misconceptions, Hypnobirthing is not about being hypnotised, in a trance or losing control. Hypnobirthing is birth education focusing on how the body and mind work to promote calm and confident birthing. Hypnobirthing addresses areas that incite fear and it guides our mindset towards positive thoughts for birth. As a midwife, I understand that sometimes birthing can take a different turn and preparation aids an empowering approach to our unique birthing path. While my classes incorporate tools and philosophies for birth including relaxation, breathing techniques, roles of the birth partner, visualisation, optimal positioning, movement, affirmations and acupressure, they also include information about medical intervention, caesarean birth, analgesia and induction.
3. Aim for upright positioning in labour
It is empowering to choose where and how to birth your baby. Active birth promotes freedom of movement by working with gravity and not against it. Rather than being confined to the bed during labour, instinctively respond to your body and move freely. Gravity encourages efficient uterine surges, and promotes baby descent downwards into the pelvis to soften, thin and open the cervix. Upright positioning increases the dimensions of the pelvic outlet to assist baby movement through the birth passage. With gravity on your side, this assists in reducing labour duration, the need for analgesia and medical assistance. As a midwife, positions I recommend to families include walking, squatting, standing, kneeling, sitting and all fours.
4. Prepare for Postpartum
The learning journey has only just begun when you hold your baby in your arms. Parenthood is amazing, tiring, beautiful and overwhelming as you navigate new roles, responsibilities, emotions and changes to family dynamics. As a midwife, I encourage families to keep it simple and try not to over complicate tasks. Newborn babies require feeds, sleep, hygiene, love, attention and warmth as a priority. It is normal for everything to take more time with a baby and this may require practice, patience, and perseverance. Plan and prepare for meals, outings, and anticipated changes in routine. Take time to get to know your baby and learn to identify individual cues. Seek help if needed as there is never any shame accepting assistance as both you and your baby will benefit. Each baby and family are unique so never compare yourself to others.
Mother Midwife
Hayley xx
Hayley Hall is a registered midwife and nurse, hypnobirthing practitioner, childbirth educator, infant massage instructor, sleep consultant and mother of four children. She would love to help you prepare for a confident birth and positive parenthood journey. To find her her group, private or online classes or head to