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Tongue-tie has become a ‘hot’ term in recent times to explain all kinds of feeding challenges. These challenges are very real problems for parents especially mum however; we always need to remain cautious and vigilant when the intervention involves cutting a baby!
“Doula…what’s a doula?:
A doula’s purpose is to help mothers come as close as they can to having the kind of birth they want to have.
The Kindness Elves
A big part of the parenthood journey is finding the holiday traditions that fit with your family values.
Pregnancy Related Anxiety
Pregnancy is a complex and vulnerable time for expectant mothers. They are going through major physical and emotional changes, which can increase the risk of depression and anxiety arising, even in women who have not experienced any before.
Tips for Photographing your Children
Photographing your own children can be frustrating! Trust me… my kids have ‘photographer’s child syndrome’ which basically makes them allergic to having their photograph taken by me. However, I have learnt a thing or two over the years. So I am going to give to you a few tips to help you with your daily documentation of your kids’ lives and keep you smiling in the process!
Laying Foundations in the first 16 Weeks
Samantha from Baby Logic talks about her international experience as a qualified Mother Craft Nurse, the differences she sees back home in Australia, and the importance of postnatal support in the first sixteen weeks.
Where’s my Good Eater gone?
Like many mums, I was rattled when my eldest, a ‘good’ eater of anything from broccoli to anchovies, turned two and started saying No and Yuck. Bananas, sultanas, and yoghurt hit the refusal list, and forget about lettuce and peas!
Preparing for Birth with HypnoBirthing
Having a positive birthing day takes preparation, research and education. We all have fears around birth. Moving from a place of fear into a place of confidence will not only ensure that you are better prepared for birth but it will help you to be more comfortable during labour and birth.
Empowering your Children with Words
Parenthood is such a ride, wild at times and amazingly heart expanding at others. Life is busier than ever with little feet running about, so it’s easy to forget to stop and really be present with our little ones and to find the time to check in with them and let them know how truly incredible they are.
My Birth Preparation: Insights from Ashlee.
Birth is amazing! I love working and supporting women and their partners in their birth journey. I had the privilege of supporting Ashlee for the birth of her son Jasper. During a postnatal follow up I chatted to Ashlee about her birth and how she, and her partner James, prepared for birth in their own unique and personal way.
PND and a Cup of Tea - 5 tips to help you recover from PND
Wouldn’t it be lovely if all you needed was a hot cuppa tea, and all would be good in the world? Mums who are suffering from depression and/or anxiety after the birth of their baby are often told to ‘cheer up and get over it’, and that all new mums ‘feel like this’.
3 Ways to Fill Your Cup
Have you ever noticed when you are in a bad mood or feeling tired and exhausted, that you are more effected by your child’s behaviour or any life challenges you might be facing?
How to Avoid a Sleep Regression over the Christmas Period
Around mid January each year I get an influx of calls both past and new clients telling me “it’s all gone wrong, ever since we went away/had visitors/the older kids were off school the wheels have fallen off and we are not sleeping…help”…. And so I do.
8 Tips to Encourage a Healthy Money Mindset in your Children
Recent research has shown that attitudes towards money do in fact have a a correlation to your income. A paper by Brad Klonz revealed significant differences between the beliefs of the wealthier and those who struggle financially.
Dear Mamas, please exist in photos…
There you are, with your phone, capturing every last detail of your children…
Understanding Baby’s Feeding Patterns
Babies know how to feed and they know when to feed and they signal their needs with Feeding Cues…
Placenta Encapsulation - The Ultimate Superfood
When I gave birth to my first child seven years ago, I had heard of the benefits of consuming the placenta.